3 in 1 Fit Center
ISSA Certified Personal Trainer

About Me

My name is Jennifer O'Canas Pena. I am married with 5 children.  I am from Danevang but now reside in El Campo and graduated from ECISD in 2006.  I am a fairly new personal trainer i just opened my business in 2020 and am excited to share my knowledge and expertise with you!

 I have been over weight and very fatigued my whole adult life.  I have always had a passion for fitness but had no energy to endure daily life task much less exercise.  I always believed what others said about me, that I was just lazy, but a few years ago i found out i had an auto immune disease called Hasimoto which basically makes by body attack my itself. My thyroid glad does not produce enough hormones.  Many do not realize your thyroid controls a lot in your body functions.  I finally realized all the fatigue, joint stiffness muscle weakness and my rapid weight gain was not in my head but was due to a serious condition.  In 2019 I decided to take classes for personal training and nutrition  to learn how i could help myself and others that struggle with losing weight due to health issues. In 2020 i finally became a certified nutritionist and personal trainer.  Since then I have put everything I have learned in to action for my own health.  Since my thyroid doesn't work neither does my metabolism so my  journey has been frustrating and  slow.  I work out 5 to 6 days a week and the scale does not seem to moving but i continue to put in the work and pray God will heal me from this disease.   Despite what all the doctors say, " no matter how hard i work out i will not lose weight due to my condition, i will continue to try everything I CAN TO OVERCOME THE IMPOSSIBLE.  I know I do not have the perfect trainer body but I can tell you these past couple of years I have overcame my chronic fatigue and I am stronger and my body is more toned then ever before.  Oh and I can not forget to mention  what everyone teases me about, i have went from a booty as flat as a board to a JLO booty ;) in the making.  As i continue my journey i remind myself of them small accomplishments because they will lead me to my final goal!!  

With all that being said I want you all to know do not be embarrassed to join 3 in 1 Fitness if anyone knows the struggles of this journey better then anyone it is me! My goal as a personal trainer is to help you archive a healthy mind, body and soul with a judgement free atmosphere.  My mission is to reach individuals who struggle with traditional weight loss programs because it is to hard for them to endure. I made a promise to myself to keep my cost low so individuals that struggle with health issues can receive coaching at an affordable cost to reach an overall good health.  I also aim to keep trainings small to help you feel more comfortable working out at 3 in 1 Fitness.  I want you to know my health issues does not affect my ability to help you reach your goals I have had many clients drop pant sizes, pounds and most of all lots of inches!

Stop waiting for tomorrow and Join me in my journey of becoming healthy in mind,body and spirit.